Sunday, August 28, 2011

It's time for a road trip!!!

To the Balkans!  To sun, and beaches, and mountains, and treacherous roads, and hostels, and road music and road food!  With my boo and two of our besties!  For two weeks!

Waking up early tomorrow morning, packing up the car, and hitting the road for Belgrade.  There's some small places here and there I think we'll stop at to look around or eat so it'll be a pretty chill drive, albeit long.  B is pretty much the picture taker extraordinaire, documenting all semi important events, but I'll try to take a lot as well. 

Update in a couple of weeks!  Watch this film while I'm gone.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


It totally makes sense to have the nude section of the lake earlier on the trail than the regular people section of the lake right?  Thought so.  Europe, the things I've seen.

One of the first people I met here is heading home later this week.  Back to Texas actually.  The weekend was much about her trying to see as many people as she could for goodbye festivities. I didn't make the fun on Friday because of the craziest weather ever.  It was a cycle of storms and beautiful clear skies all day long.  Did get some pre-production on a short film idea done though. 

Surprisingly woke up at a decent hour on Saturday and went to a lake (see above) in a nice natural park a little ways outside of the city.  Lots of sun and water and beer and games on the grass (beach).  Good to spend time with the Texas girl before seeing her off.  Went to the beer garden in the evening and almost everybody I know in Prague was there. 

Lazy Sunday so far, just cleaning up my room and doing laundry and getting ready for classes this coming week.  Going to a restaurant called Cantina tonight for food and fun with the gang.  Haven't been there since The Amazing Jicin Adventure when we got stuck in the snow and needed the warmth of the place.  Should be fun!

It's been a good one!  Had a not so great week at work.  Not so much with teaching as stuff with my school.  I like teaching, I like having a job, but the school I work for isn't just stellar.  It has lots of good points but lots of room for improvement as well.  If I was going to stay longer I'd probably look for a different school but it's fine for now.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Get used to it, Klaus!

We finally had a couple of mostly-sunny if super humid days this weekend!  A bit of rain Saturday morning but then sunshine the rest of the time.  Until this second at least, I hear it raining outside! 
Went to my first gay pride parade (Prague Pride!) on Saturday.  It was fun stuff but I kind of expected (and hoped for) more....gayness.  No Dr. Frankenfurter-esque outfits that I could see.  Mostly just people marching and waving rainbow flags and holding signs.  A lot of which made fun of Mr. President of the CR.  He had some things to say about the ordeal and even more to say about the mayor of Prague who totally supported the week of events.  There were cops everywhere, and while there was a skinhead spotting here and there I don't think there were any altercations. 

Also played some pool and did the whole fun with Youtube routine with several people.  It's amazing how long that can go on, and how funny it can be. 

Laid back Sunday, just cleaned the flat since the owners were busy on Friday when I usually do it.  A bit of money in my pocket until I get paid this week!  I'm watching the funds closer and closer since classes have slowed down.  :P  Early morning tomorrow but I'm kind of looking foward to the week.  Seems like I've had the Sunday evening blues for a while but they must be bothering somebody else right now. 

Also, been here nine months!  Woooo!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Quiz Pro Quo, taking care of quizness.

I don't think I left a square mile vicinity for most of this weekend. 

Saw Captian America on Friday.  Wooo!  Chris Evans!  America!  Things blowing up!  Howard Stark!  Killin' Nazis!  Chris Evans!  Red lipstick!  Chris Evans!  Trailer for The Avengers at the end!!! 

Helped a friend move on Saturday.  Now if I moved flats it would take a couple of hours, mostly travel time, and a few bags of clothes and stuff.  Apparently Finnish Friend inherited tons of furniture from his last roommates.  They hired a truck, it took hours, we cooked a huge chicken dinner and went straight to the beer garden afterwards.  It was actually really fun.  There were no plans for the day and lots of people were there, so it was kind of just a nice party with some manual labor on the side. 

Sunday I rearranged my room and went to the monthly pub quiz. We dominated.  Our team of five nationalities is such a rich combination of culture and knowledge.  I was happy to win but even happier that it was fun.  The last time the regular Quizmistress was on vacation and one of the bartenders took over.  He made it way too hard and obscure though.  It should be difficult, but enjoyable.  So yeah. 500 Crown prize which nearly paid off our tab.  J was a generous soul and picked up the extra 33. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

No Class Wednesday sounds like a band name.

The work is pretty slow these days.  Enjoying the break but I think it'll be both difficult and good to get back in the swing of things once more classes to pick up roll around.  4 Class Tuesdays keep me on my feet, but there's a nice break of No Class Wednesdays right after.  Yesterday was the nicest day we've had in a while too so I made sure to get some sun.  Way too much rain and cold for summer so far.  :P 

I may have another vacation coming up too.  To the Balkans!  Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, and Macedonia!  There was a fun burger night this weekend in order to plan the trip.  "Plan" here means look at a map to see exactly where stuff is, and guesstimate gas-mileage.  As for what we're doing yet, I'm not sure.  But we've got more time to figure out what's there.  I'm thinking mountians and beaches.  Whee!

Also, Captain America comes out today!  Cowboys and Aliens on the 28th.  Woof. 

Monday, August 1, 2011


Well July was kind of a messed up month.  Lets see what August has in store. 

It needs to start feeling like summer again in Prague.  I'd normally never complain about cool temperatures and lots of rain but after the cold winter here I want some heat and sunshine. 

This month I've also gotten to a point where I need to figure out What's Next.  For most of my time here it's just been get a job, stay busy, make friends, hang with friends, see the city, travel a bit, teach teach teach, etc.  Lots of things to be distracted with.  I know I want to have stayed here a whole year, and I know I'm going home for Christmas.  I've put off thinking further than that for a while, but I've had a lot of good talks with friends here who either know they're leaving soon or have stayed a long time.  The thing is, it's a great city and a great life, this whole experience has surpassed my expectations by far.  And while there is a steep learning curve, people seem to get to a point where they don't progress.  I think about the city when I first got here and how different it is to me now.  After a year I don't think it's going to change more from there, or bring anything better than I've already had.  Staying longer would bring just as good times, but this isn't a situation where I should stay or go just for other people.   

SO.  It's a big world, and I really enjoy teaching English.  I'm looking into what the situations are like in other countries.  Lots of jobs in South America.  Lots of demand (and money) in South Korea.  The very tentative plan is to figure something out before going home at the end of the year, spend time with friends and family for a while and make the next move.  And enjoy Prague while I have Prague. 

I have a feeling I'm going to be listening to a lot of Noah and the Whale in the near future.