Thursday, February 9, 2012


Aaand after January took forever, we're into February! 

Today was the first day this winter that it really snowed in Prague.  It's so pretty, and not as cold as it has been lately.  It's sad when 20 degrees seems like an improvement. 

I've been a sluggish, unmotivated, useless creature lately.  Teaching is actually going really well.  I've picked up quite a few new classes, and lessons in general tend to be smooth and feel like I've done something useful.  Weekends are pretty eventful with socializing (despite the temperatures).  It's just between classes or in the evenings I find myself doing absolutely nothing productive.  I've caught up with television and watched a lot of movies.  (The Godfather is really really good, by the way.)  Going through a bit of a completist phase when it comes to my music.  Started with getting every Radiohead album organized in iTunes.  I've started a painting for a friend so hopefully that gets some more creativity going.  It think it's partly the winter weather and partly other stuff.  I'm going to give myself a bit more wallowing leeway for February but when March starts up it's going to be fitter, happier, more productive. 

Birthday for Finnish friend this weekend!