Friday, June 22, 2012

Time to update!

The Blog from Prague will soon be coming to a close.  Because I'll soon be leaving Prague.

Thanks, Carl.

Emotions, they are mixed.  Logic, is at peace.  Bags, are not packed.  Friends and students are sad to see me go, which is always a good sign.  I could stick around and be fine, but nothing much is going to change unless I were to make plans to settle down here permanently and I'm just not feeling that.  I'd rather be one to do a good stint and move on, or stay forever and ever, but not in between like so many seem to.

Anyway, since the last update I've been to Berlin.  It was awesome.  It's all very new and rebuilt of course.  Very gritty and arty.  I learned a lot and put together a lot of history.  Been enjoying the sun and beer gardens in between spring/summer rains.  Hanging out with friends, watching television, teaching, making future plans, etc.

I had an awesome birthday back in May.  I'd wanted to just hang out at a beer garden all afternoon and let people come and go whenever they could.  Too bad it was cloudy and 50/10 degrees.  Called off the park and turned it into a dinner.  It was still great though, about 15 people came to dinner, some came and went just for drinks after.  We moved from there to one bar, then when that closed to another bar, then when that closed home (since it was light outside by then).  It was an epic one.  I've been 24, 25, and 26 in Prague.  Weird.

Not much new otherwise.  We'll see what plans pan out in the future.