Sunday, January 16, 2011


Not much to do with Prague, but it's my blog and I want to talk about movies.  Spoiler free of course.  People aren't always traipsing through the cobbled streets of Prague 24/7 to see awesome sights and go to awesome parties after all.  We do things like sit around and watch movies too.  A friend of mine texted with "One of my students got me True Grit and 127 Hours, want to watch them?"  And I responded with "Come over this second."

We watched True Grit first, which was so so so so much funnier than I ever expected it to be.  I mean, it's the Coen brothers, but they're not always laugh out loud funny.  Five minutes in we almost had to pause it because I couldn't stop laughing over this one part. It was also really well done; beautiful shots and great dialogue.  The main theme was based on "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms", which was cool and reminded me of the music used in "O' Brother...".   Jeff Bridges was fantastic of course and I kind of kept forgetting it was him.  The girl playing Mattie did a great job and had awesome delivery, maybe a bit of a single note character though.  Josh Brolin's bad guy was good but not what I expected.  Matt Damon the Texas Ranger was absolutely brilliant. 

We had planned to just watch one and save 127 Hours.  But we made the mistake of watching the trailer for 127 Hours and wanted to watch it right away.  But then we got a text and went traipsing through the cobbled streets of Prague to an awesome party.  Fine, it does happen.

Reconvened this afternoon.  "127 Hours".   .............  I mean.  I can't even.  If you think you can handle watching it.  Watch it.  It's not just an hour and a half of James Franco cutting his own arm off, (although that happens of course).  It's an hour and thirty minutes of humanity.  Danny Boyle, man.  He knows how to make you appreciate life.  And I'm just more and more impressed with James Franco every time. 

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