Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Girlfriend bought herself some cheap watercolors and paper on Friday.  I had big plans on being an antisocial artist all weekend, but on the way home I ran into a friend on the tram who asked what was up that night.  He lives a couple of blocks away, but it always surprises me when I see people I know just around town.  Not that I know that much of the population here, but for a big city it's really not.  Anyway, the FOMO (fear of missing out) beat the creative streak.  I did start up in the afternoon before going out though.  Got dinner and told bad jokes for hours in one of many bars in Zizkov. Worked a little more on Saturday, then went to a birthday party for a guy I met a week ago.  Sunday I was definitely going to be an antisocial artist, but a friend was making an uber breakfast for her roommates and whoever crashed at their place the night before so I went over.  But YESTERDAY, I finished.  Alas, I missed Sci-Fi Night, but I wasn't really feeling like taking the trek of switching metros anyway.  Battlestar Galactica isn't doing much for me anyway. 

ANYway, kinda based on a photo I took in an alley in Vinohrady.  I kind of crapped out halfway through, and I find the colors very distressing, but it was just nice to push paint around again.

Have some more Arcade Fire.  Just because.  New Radiohead album coming out soon too!

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