Friday, October 14, 2011

Mama I'm comming hoooommmeee!

Busting out the Ozzy title since yes, I'm going home in December!  For Christmas!  And food and family and animals and driving my truck!  Huzzah!  I'm getting really excited.  Christmas here last year wasn't really Christmas.  It was cold and depressing and while I did hang out with a lot of people it wound up not being very fun at all.  Although I did make a few really good friends out of that lame party. 

The city is getting colder!  Last winter was brutal but I feel more prepared this time.  I didn't know what to expect.  Now I do, and I'm equipped.  With better cold-facing clothes.  And like, a job to keep me busy during the cold, short, dark days.  And more friends, those will help too. 

Got together with what is left of my TEFL class last night.  One of them is leaving soon.  And then there will be three.  It was good to see them, it had been a while. 

Today is Friday!  Only one class and a substitution today.  Last weekend I had two friends with birthday parties which meant late nights and late mornings (afternoons) and short days with 0 productivity.  Not this weekend though!  Me and the boy and Canadian friend are going boozeless!  I've brainstormed many ideas of things to do/accomplish.  And downloaded a few movies in case the weather gets particularly bad.  I think it should be cold but nice though. 

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