Friday, December 17, 2010

For a minute there...

Haven't been too posty lately for fear of being a bummer.  It's crazy and confusing days, but I'm sticking with things.  I've never really gotten lonely or homesick but a culmunation of things has been making me so lately. 

A big change has been going from being incredibly busy with school all day to suddenly not.  I don't have to spend mornings learning methodology and then plan a lesson I'll be teaching that night.  On one hand it's really nice, but on the other I don't really know what to do with myself.  Well, yes I do, job hunt.  Which is frustrating enough when you speak the same language as people. 

It's also weird  being off from the other TEFL-ers.  We've hung out a bit but I often wonder how they're adjusting to the city and if they're on the same level as I am with the job-hunt.  I know one or two already have job offers.  I've had one intereview but haven't heard back from them yet, *fingers crossed!*. 

The main thing I need to do is to hang out with people and get out into the city.  I've met several other expats who are really cool. We've hung out, either out and about or at their places.  It's nice to just talk about stupid stuff or watch movies or whatever.  I also think in all the stress and being busy I lost sight of how cool this place is and how much there is to do in it.  I'm in PRAGUE.  It might be cold and snowy/slushy/snirty right now but it's still one of the most beautiful cities in the world.  I need to look at the cool colorful buildings now and then and forget about all the teacher-red-tape. 

I think if I stick through the transitional part of this whole thing (and find a J.O.B.) things will be great.  I really am excited to take what I learned in school into a classroom.  We had practice students but we didn't really get to know them or watch them grow or anything.  And everyone I've talked to says it is the hardest and most stressful part.  I'm just not used to this whole "difficult" thing.  It's like I'm "trying", or something.

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