Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Amazing Jicin Adventure!

So, I'm not the world's most social butterfly.  *waits for people who know me to stop laughing*  But in a foreign country (especially with not enough to do right now) I actually hit people up to see what they're doing.  And like, initiate activities.  I facebook friend them after meeting sooner than I ever have.  I've always had this weird trait that I don't like people who like me right off.  But if somebody kind of ignores me then I think they're cool, and I must have them.  In 3 to 8 months we will have exchanged a few casual words, shared some interests, and eventually be friends. 

That's not the formula here.  I met some people at a Christmas party, the next day we got dinner, and the next we took an overnight trip to a smaller Czech Republic town called Jicin.  Then we had many adventures (and misadventures).  And now we're probably friends fo life.  Hopefully at least, Australians are awesome.  I've already learned that the key to being a happy expat is making connections.  It's a big tough city and a lot of locals still don't like foreigners here.  Everyone who's been here a while has said the same thing.  It's an interesting crowd.  A lot of people are like me; want to live abroad, want teaching and living experience, bragging rights back home, etc.  A surprising amount are running from bad or dead-end situations.  And a lot more are just directionless idiots doing teaching as an excuse to party in Europe.  They are my greatest motivation to make it out here.

ANYway, adventures in the nature!  The Aussie is an atypical expat in that he's not an English teacher.  He's an accountant and has access to a company car.  It was really fun riding in a car after a month and a half.  It was also great to just see really really far without buildings or trams or people in the way.  The Czech countryside was really pretty all covered with snow and I'd love to see it in spring or summer.  We had a good drive and listened to good music. 

We got to Jicin, (eechin) and settled in at D's flat.  It's his hometown and he's a student in Prague.  His friend K came along as well, she's Czech but goes to school in Scotland.  We got some Czech food for lunch, I had svickova.  It's meat and dumplings in this creamy sauce with a garnish of cranberry sauce and whip cream.  Then we went to the big attraction in the area, Prachov Rocks.  It's in an area with tons of pine trees, all covered in snow right now of course.  You walk up a wide path and get closer and closer to these huge rocks jutting up out of the ground.  Then we did a slippery and narrow and treacherous hike up and up to where you can view the rocks and whole area from above.  Very cool! The way down was longer but safer.

Since it was Monday night in Jicin we had an early night in with some games and music.  The next morning we headed to the town's castle gate type thing.  D has connections and a cool lady came to open it up for us.  I don't know how she's involved or has keys exactly, but it was nice getting the VIP treatment.  We went up and up more steep steps to the top.  It was a beautiful, clear day so we could look down on the whole town and see for miles. 

Then SOMEBODY had a great idea to go up to this mountain and look at some waterfalls that would be frozen this time of year.  Which would've been cool if we'd made it.  Driving around the busy ski-mountain looking for a parking spot we drove into what definitely wasn't a road and got stuck.  And since it's the Czech Republic, nobody who could have helped us would.  (The Texan and Aussie were appalled.)  Some very nice Germans tried to get us unstuck and got stuck themselves.  Then some stupid Russians though it was a parking area and got themselves stuck as well.  Things were bleak.  And cold.  And kind of hilarious but not.  K and I were about to hop a bus when some blessed being with a tractor and chains got everybody out.  There were actually some kind Czechs who tried to push and help, but most called us stupid and told us it wasn't their problem.  Tractor man wins at life though. 

The plan had been to eat in Jicin and head home, but we made a beeline back to Prague.  Misadventures aside, it was lots of fun.  And just what I needed I think. 

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