Sunday, February 20, 2011


I can't really remember what I used to do on weekends back home.  Hung out and took it easy with the occasional fun event or road trip. The past few weeks here around 2:35pm on a Sunday I'm thinking "Is it time to go to work yet?". 

Had a junk food and movie marathon with the crew at the flat away from flat.  (That place is a harbor for lost souls I swear.)  Well, it began with B making an absurd amount of french toast and making us eat it all.  Then we watched some crappy movies and ate the junk food.  P has a projector she can borrow from work so we get a big-screen effect and don't have to crowd around a laptop. 

Yesterday I hit the town a bit with a friend who is still kind of new here.  We got coffee and then had a history lesson at the Communist Museum.  I hadn't been yet and she was interested.  It was depressing but pretty cool.  Then we did Bohemia Bagel which I've heard a lot about but hadn't been to yet.  Very American style expat place.  Good burger and the first ice I've had since coming here.  Then we wandered around Mala Strana a bit.  Over the bridge, down to the Lennon wall, looked at buildings, etc.  I don't get over there a whole lot and am always a little thrown by all the English speaking tourists.  (Wound up giving three of them directions.) For a freezing cold Saturday in February there were a ton of them.  I can't wait until it's warm here, but I'm not looking foward to the tourist crowds.  It was really cold though so I went home for a nap and she did some shopping.  Last night was P's birthday party and it was tons of fun.  It was just house-party style which is best.  I don't really like going from place to place where you have to talk over music.  We played games and just hung out and visited mostly.

Been a bum today except for the exciting 20 minutes when we had no electricity in the flat.  Russian roommate seemed very unconcerned, German roommate was freaked about not being able to cook, and Senegali roommate and I were terrified of freezing to death.  We threw some switches in our hallway to no avail.  I called our landlord and he told us about a box on the stair landing.  Success!  I initiated good ol' American high fives all around. 

I need to go over my lessons for the week.  There's a good chance I'll get a "surprise" observation from one of the senior teachers from my school.  Although, a friend already jumped on the new Radiohead album and shared it with me.  I'm not sure if I want to start getting into it yet though.  Arcade Fire. "Suburbs".  Still rocking my life right now. 

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