Sunday, August 14, 2011

Get used to it, Klaus!

We finally had a couple of mostly-sunny if super humid days this weekend!  A bit of rain Saturday morning but then sunshine the rest of the time.  Until this second at least, I hear it raining outside! 
Went to my first gay pride parade (Prague Pride!) on Saturday.  It was fun stuff but I kind of expected (and hoped for) more....gayness.  No Dr. Frankenfurter-esque outfits that I could see.  Mostly just people marching and waving rainbow flags and holding signs.  A lot of which made fun of Mr. President of the CR.  He had some things to say about the ordeal and even more to say about the mayor of Prague who totally supported the week of events.  There were cops everywhere, and while there was a skinhead spotting here and there I don't think there were any altercations. 

Also played some pool and did the whole fun with Youtube routine with several people.  It's amazing how long that can go on, and how funny it can be. 

Laid back Sunday, just cleaned the flat since the owners were busy on Friday when I usually do it.  A bit of money in my pocket until I get paid this week!  I'm watching the funds closer and closer since classes have slowed down.  :P  Early morning tomorrow but I'm kind of looking foward to the week.  Seems like I've had the Sunday evening blues for a while but they must be bothering somebody else right now. 

Also, been here nine months!  Woooo!

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