Thursday, August 4, 2011

No Class Wednesday sounds like a band name.

The work is pretty slow these days.  Enjoying the break but I think it'll be both difficult and good to get back in the swing of things once more classes to pick up roll around.  4 Class Tuesdays keep me on my feet, but there's a nice break of No Class Wednesdays right after.  Yesterday was the nicest day we've had in a while too so I made sure to get some sun.  Way too much rain and cold for summer so far.  :P 

I may have another vacation coming up too.  To the Balkans!  Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, and Macedonia!  There was a fun burger night this weekend in order to plan the trip.  "Plan" here means look at a map to see exactly where stuff is, and guesstimate gas-mileage.  As for what we're doing yet, I'm not sure.  But we've got more time to figure out what's there.  I'm thinking mountians and beaches.  Whee!

Also, Captain America comes out today!  Cowboys and Aliens on the 28th.  Woof. 

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