Sunday, August 21, 2011


It totally makes sense to have the nude section of the lake earlier on the trail than the regular people section of the lake right?  Thought so.  Europe, the things I've seen.

One of the first people I met here is heading home later this week.  Back to Texas actually.  The weekend was much about her trying to see as many people as she could for goodbye festivities. I didn't make the fun on Friday because of the craziest weather ever.  It was a cycle of storms and beautiful clear skies all day long.  Did get some pre-production on a short film idea done though. 

Surprisingly woke up at a decent hour on Saturday and went to a lake (see above) in a nice natural park a little ways outside of the city.  Lots of sun and water and beer and games on the grass (beach).  Good to spend time with the Texas girl before seeing her off.  Went to the beer garden in the evening and almost everybody I know in Prague was there. 

Lazy Sunday so far, just cleaning up my room and doing laundry and getting ready for classes this coming week.  Going to a restaurant called Cantina tonight for food and fun with the gang.  Haven't been there since The Amazing Jicin Adventure when we got stuck in the snow and needed the warmth of the place.  Should be fun!

It's been a good one!  Had a not so great week at work.  Not so much with teaching as stuff with my school.  I like teaching, I like having a job, but the school I work for isn't just stellar.  It has lots of good points but lots of room for improvement as well.  If I was going to stay longer I'd probably look for a different school but it's fine for now.

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