Monday, June 6, 2011


The film is finished!  I know/interact with most of these people on a regular basis.  If you've got a spare 51 minutes, then enjoy.  It was just a fun project but I really think it's going to be a huge souvenir for all of us to re-watch years from now and remember everybody with.

The weekend was enjoyable but not that eventful.  Dinner and drinks with people, went to a pub to watch a friend play keyboard in his band's gig, watched a thunder and lightening storm from across the river (very cool!), tried to do the paddleboats, failed to do the paddleboats because they needed a better ID than our opencards, watched Doctor Who (OMGWTFBBQ!!!!!11), did the monthly pub quiz and didn't do our best.  I also all weekend for the people who's flat I clean.  It's smaller than a rat, but hey a dog's a dog.  He was fun and I got paid! 

The week is looking pretty easy, I'm doing testing with most of my classes so that's easy.  I'm going through it with them and explaining corrections as we go instead of just sitting in awkward silence though.  I think it's better.  Finally found where the translation place has moved to, so I'll do that during my gap tomorrow.  Might try to get the paddleboats in as well.  We will paddle the river, oh yes we will. 

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