Sunday, June 12, 2011

Seldom seen kid.

So no Vienna this weekend.  Again.  The bad news is that Monday is a holiday so the embassy is closed.  The good news is I found out about it and didn't waste a trip!  WHEW.  I swear if I'd gone all the way over there and it was locked up on Monday morning there would've been blood. 

Had a pretty low key one.   Or, I should probably say civilized one.  Mostly. Stayed in on Friday and watched "Manhatten" which I'd never gotten around to before. 

Saturday had actual productivity happen before noon!  Went swimming at a place that charges a crown per minute.  Not bad at all!  It was great to go swimming again.  Olympic sized pool and people old and young were just doing laps.  Nice facilities.  It felt great! 

Also saw "Paul" finally.  It's Simon Pegg and Nick Frost but no Edgar Wright, so me and fellow lover of "Shaun of the Dead" and "Hot Fuzz" were a bit nervous.  We expected crap but it was surprisingly awesome.  Jason Bateman has the best swearing-a-blue-streak line I've ever heard.

Starting at 7pm on Saturday was Museum Night where all of the museums were free until 2am.  Got together with a group for the fun.  We got some beers at Letna and went over to the nearby National Technical Museum which I'd wanted to go to for a while.  The line went around the block.  But the Agriculture Museum next door didn't have a line at all!  We wandered around a bit before getting bored and heading out again.  We figured all of the good museums would have just as crazy lines and called it a night. 

Today was pretty lazy.  Anything attempted to do failed, except for making smoothies!  Work as usual tomorrow.  The transportation system threatened a day-long strike but they've moved it to Thursday.  Just in case anybody wanted a three day weekend.  :P

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