Saturday, November 27, 2010

Deep and crisp and even.

Not very deep'n'crisp'n'even, actually.  But it did snow last night!  Snow in Prague!  And it was very pretty wandering around Wenceslas Square in it.  There's giant Christmas trees all over town and little markets selling cocoa, hot wine, sausages, hats and scarves, christmas decorations, etc.  A very nice end to Week Two of class.

Thursday night our class went out to a place that does American food.  They did a whole Thanksgiving dinner of pumpkin soup, bread, turkey, stuffing, potatoes, green beens, beer/wine, and dessert.  We were all kind of tired but still had a lot of fun. 

I've passed all of my lessons so far.  We can fail two before having to start making them up, but hopefully I don't fail any.  I'll be switching from Intermediates to Pre-Intermediates on Monday.  I'm interested to see how thick or thin the margin is between them. 

Been working on a lesson plan for Monday but tonight I'm going to the Christmas tree lighting in Old Town.  Should be fun.


  1. Sounds absolutely beautiful, Fary! I am loving living your adventures vicariously...not the hard work stuff but the fun, exciting, overseas-and-having-a-ball stuff!!!
    (I hope it's not as cold there as it has been here though ;( )

    We can haz pictures plz??

  2. That sounds gorgeous! I'm glad it's going so well.
