Monday, November 15, 2010

It's a dangerous business, going out your door.

First of all, Tom Hardy was on my plane to London!  "Inception" being one of the in-flight-movies counts, right?  No. 

The traveling over was nice and uneventful.  (I'm in the future!)  Abilene to DFW to London to Prague.  It's very very sad being so close to London and not getting to do anything in it.  Jaromir, the founder of the school I'm attending, picked me up from the airport.  He was really fun to talk to and we spoke of many things.  For all his traveling and living in other countries he's never been to the States.  He asked if I smoked, I said no but I didn't mind if he did.  He rolled his own cigarette whilst driving.  Europeans are awesome.  He also yelled "Oh, sweet!" when we drove past what was basically a chopped VW bug.  (I don't know how old he is but he said something about not being a young 64 year old anymore.)  I didn't time it but it probably took about an hour to get to the apartment.  There was a lot to see along the way though.  People out walking, trams, churches, museums, all styles of architecture in all kinds of colors.  We drove over the Vtlava river.

The apartment is about a 15 minute walk from the school, but a tram runs near both.  It's insanely nice. I was the first one there, and rather than being relaxing there was some mild anxiety about getting hooked up to the internet and letting the family know I was alive, etc.  Then not being able to go to sleep, but everything's worked out. 

Friday I was still getting over the jet-lag and getting things like phones and deposits sorted.  Getting used to but not really enjoying Prague at that point.  I hadn't seen any of the things I was excited to see.  Jetlag is kind of a buzzkill.

On Saturday I got roommates, yay!  One is from Chicago and had been here for a week with her dad.  The other is a fellow Texan.  Chicago's dad took us out to both lunch and dinner and we wandered around Old Town Square by night a bit.  We saw the Astrological clock change.  Actually kind of anticlimatic, but fun in the traditional sense.  It's mostly amazing to me that something that old is still in working order.  Prague is pretty amazing in that almost nothing was destroyed in WWI and WWII.  But anyway, it was fun finally having people to pal around with. 

Sunday we found a mall right down from our apartment and explored it a bit.  Then we did Wenceslas square and The National Museum.  I like museums anyway, but the interior of this one is awesome.  Some of it is actually in the James Bond, Casino Royale.  Then we met up with the rest of the students and two of the Language House people at the school.  We just went over more stuff and visited. 

Today was the first day of class!  More on that later though (and pictures once I get them uploaded), we already have homework to get started on.


  1. Tom Hardy was my favorite character in Inception!!

    What does the Vtlava River look like?

    Were you able/allowed to take pictures in the museum?

    ~Annie Lin

  2. My thoughts:

    Love the title. I need to watch Lord of the Rings now.

    I thought you were refering to Thomas Hardy and I felt the need to tell you he's dead, and you don't like his stuff. Obviously I still need to see Inception.

    Jaromir sounds like the name of one of the Gyptians. In my head at least.

    I want an insanely nice apartment. Mine has a cat with the crazies. I love him of course, but seriously he must miss you cuz he's been insane!

    Are you going to refer to your roommates by their city of origin? That could be cool. Yay for free food!

    Can't wait to see pictures!

  3. Yay! Glad things are getting set up ok. Looking forward to class stories and pics.
