Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This is the first week of teaching I've had that is kind of dragging.  It was also the first week I wasn't really looking forward to starting up on Sunday.  Another teacher-friend who has been here a while told me "Yep, this is your life now."  Ah, routine.

I got observed by my "tutor" yesterday morning.  About three times a semester we have to get observed for about half of a class just to make sure that we actually have plans and lesson points.  I felt really good about it since it was a one-to-one with one of my favorite students.  He usually talks and talks and talks but he kind of clammed up with the other guy in the room.  It was a little painful, but I doubt I'm fired or anything.  I should get my feedback next week. 

The weather has been AWESOME this week.  Sunshine.  Above freezing temperatures.  What is this whole walking around with my coat open business?!  I've been sitting in parks during my free time, reading or just listening to music, with my face to the sun.  I think it's going back to cloudyness this weekend but I'm going to soak it up while I can. 

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