Sunday, March 6, 2011


Had dinner at the flat-away-from-flat on Friday.  We made chicken and corn on the cob and veggies and had bread and beer and cookies.  There were about ten people and seven nationalities.  It was lots of fun just comfortably sitting around, eating with people who all came from different places and nobody knew each other before doing the Prague-thing. 

Yesterday I watched some Doctor Who, helped friends carry empty glass bottles to a potraviny in exchange for cash, broke my watch, did some touristy-Prague stuff with a friend, we were hugged by a man in black-face....which probably still won't be the weirdest thing I see or that happens here.  There's more and more tourists cropping up.  It doesn't make me happy.  There's a huge catch 22 of wanting warmer weather and hating all the people crowding streets and asking me for directions. 

Today I plan on getting a new watch (I feel naked without one), getting coffee with a friend and maybe wandering around Vysehrad park/castle, which I haven't done yet.  I also need to lesson plan.  I usually plan through Tuesday-sometimes-Wednesday on Friday afternoons but there weren't enough hours in the day and I've just got a couple ideas outlined.

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