Monday, May 23, 2011

Abba a Qveen!

I've been to a Czech hockey game.  I've seen some sweet live music here.  I ride the tram everyday.  But little entertainment could compare to being part of a live studio audience at Cesko Slovenska Superstar.  Prague's version of American Idol.  We went on a good night too.  Each contestant sang one song from ABBA and one from Queen.  And they dressed up accordingly.  Actually a pretty big and professional production.  Lots of fans with signs, lots of cameras moving around and setup.  We couldn't understand the judges reviews of course, but it was still fun to hear them singing songs we knew (or some, I don't know a lot of ABBA.)  There were several times where my friend and I would turn to one another slowly with a disbelieving look on our face.  Then tried not to giggle hysterically.  I have lots of moments here where I think "If you had told me a year ago that I would now be..." and this was definitely one of them.  Here's a sample:

Saturday I went to the zoo, which was very cool!  It was pretty hot but there was lots of shade and benches and ice cream to be had.  Not a lot of English heard, mostly Czech families which was also cool.  Got some Czech Mex and drinks with friends.  Stole lots of new music to get through too.   ....Too much Nick Cave to handle right now.  Watched the new Doctor Who.  Watched "I Love You, Phillip Morris".  Tried to read more of the non-fiction I'm currently toting around town.  Failed.  Played with a new friends' dog.  Lately I've been getting the Sunday Evening Blues where I'm bummed the weekend is ending and I have to go to work the next day.  But then actaully getting up and going to work isn't as bad as anticipating it.  I enjoy most classes and when you have a good one it feels really good afterwords.  Just have to get over that Sunday bump.

(And yes, it's spelled "Qveen" because that's how it sounds with a Czech accent and it's amusing.)

1 comment:

  1. Hope you don't mind I posted this to facebook. Call me tomorrow anytime on Skype! I'm out for summer! -Sis
