Sunday, May 29, 2011

I do like scary movies, actually.

I think watching the first three Scream movies back to back last night might be more unhealthy than all the junk food we ate.  But still, it was fun.  Especially since we'd all seen them and yelled things at the screen the whole time.  Oh, the 90's. 

Friday was a friend's 4 year anniversary party.  She's one of those that came here after college and hasn't left yet.  But she just finished her masters and says there might not be a 5th.  Hence the party.  It was supposed to be outside but unfortunately it was raining and we had to go indoors.  It was still fun, we paid for a buffet (which wasn't very good so a friend and I stole some bread on the way out).  Then we all went to Sedm Vlku, one of my favorite places here.  Hadn't been there since my birthday!  A lot of people wound up crashing at her place since it was closest.  One of those fun mornings here where you order pizza for breakfast with 6 other nationalities and don't leave the house until 3pm.

Tonight is my friend's "World Premier" of his expats film.  All the people interviewed in it (and more) are going to go over and watch it.  Should be fun but I know everybody is nervous about hearing and seeing themselves talk.  I'm excited about it though. 

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