Saturday, January 29, 2011

I'm a TEFL teacher!  Week one down.  It went really well.  Other than my schedule getting changed a lot.  I lost a couple of classes to it but they're going to try to find me more.  But the first week was mostly about assessing the students' level and finding out where they are in their books.  There'll be more structure later. 

Got all my visa stuff together.  WOOHOO.  I kind of hate this country and the whole EU sometimes.  Nothing like blasting a little Violent Femmes on the way home from a bureaucratic runaround though.  But tomorrow I'm going to Vienna to apply for the visa on Monday morning.  Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly.  I needs to get legal, yo.  It's the last big thing on my plate (other than working) to take care of here.  It'll be a big relief once it's over. 

1 comment:

  1. You get that visa. Hmm. I guess you've already applied by now.... So, you got that visa!
