Monday, January 31, 2011


Someday I'll do Vienna and actually care.  This weekend wasn't the time for that. 

I really didn't want to, just wasn't feeling it, but yesterday I got on a train from Prague to Vienna.  I found a kind friend of a friend to host me and actually had a great time with her.  We pretty much talked about music the whole time.  She's going to Coachella in the spring and I'm soooo jealous.  She also fed me leftovers.  Anyway, she's grown up in Vienna and we did the google map thing to find the best way to the embassy and back to the train station.

This morning I got up, said goodbye, and headed to the embassy.  It wasn't too terrible.  I've heard some horror stories.  I had my paperwork together and the Czech guy doing everything was pretty cool.  I should have a visa in a few months, but for now I'm not even going to think about it.

It was kind of strange, but being there made me realize how familiar Prague has become.  The whole time there I was just focused on where I was and how to get where I needed to go.  The metro and trams are pretty similar, but having to concentrate on everything around me was kind of exhausting.  It was such a relief to pull into the station at Prague and be able to get to my apartment on auto pilot.  One of my friends who has been here a couple of years asked if I felt at home here yet and I told him I didn't know if I ever would.  Some people land and have that feeling and some stay for years but never cut things off from wherever they came from.  I still don't think anything but Home will feel like home, but I realized that I'm definitely comfortable here now.  There's still parts of the city I've never been to and don't know, but I'm pretty sure I can get to where I need to be from just about everywhere. 

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great that you are so comfortable in a new city already. I hope the visa goes through as smoothly as you hope.
